Ch. 128 A Summoner (part 1)

Meryl never thought that Aria would get protection from the legendary no-face squad.

This squad was only loyal and submissive to Michaela, but when the queen was gone, they were divided into several parts with three tokens as their residence.

Since then, no one has seen or heard of this squad member, and the sovereign token became a myth.

No one knows the whereabouts of these three tokens, but whoever gets them will have an invincible squad.

Rumor has it that this token chose its master and only appeared when it sensed its master. In addition, the more people search for the existence of this token, the harder it is to find it.

Who would have thought that today Meryl would face five squad members at once? And even then, they were all protecting Aria!!

She was green with envy and craved to absorb Aria's power even more. The token would also belong to her if she got what Aria had.

But for now, she had to back off.