Ch. 142 Lyod's Merciless Side

Lyod knew and realized the fae king of the fairy kingdom hated him very much. He would love to conceal his identity if he could. But we're talking about a fairy kingdom where magic power was at its peak. Whether he used magic to disguise his appearance or conceal his life breath, the fae king and several other higher-ups would recognize him as Alpha King.

He would not be surprised if the king duped him and only gave him troops who were beginners and had no war experience. But at least this warrior had the fighting spirit to live because Lyod believed the king would not sacrifice many people for a suicide mission.

But what is this? All those fifty people who wore golden armor robes like the royal palace's elite troops were surprisingly not soldiers!?

With big, furious strides, Lyod walked over to the one who answered him. He grabbed the man's neck until he heard a groan of pain.

"What do you mean you guys aren't soldiers, huh?"