Ch. 145 Demon Fox's Village

Just as their paw was about to knock her body, Aria swung her sword, and a powerful wave materialized, blowing the herd away. All of them bounced away violently but had no slash wounds.

As expected of Rasmus. He gave Aria a female sword suitable for Aria and easily swung so Aria could defeat the herd of beasts that attacked her.

"That's our lady for you. But, with a swing like that, those beasts should be dead."

"You can't see it? At the last second, Lady Aria changes the position of her sword so that the blunt part hits the beasts."

Rasmus was speechless at this answer. He couldn't see it because Aria's hand movement was so swift that human eyes barely noticed it.

"Sword flipping technique, huh? Our lady is very good at imitating your technique."

No wonder Aria could imitate Atha's sword technique because the girl had been training all day in the knight's appearance.