Ch. 166 Prison Beast World

Annoyed by the unmannered voice from the other side, the phoenix emperor stomped one foot. In an instant, the celestial fox's body was encased in a lump of ice, leaving all who saw it flabbergasted.

"Please, don't mind us. So?" stated the phoenix emperor, smiling meaningfully as if he too would freeze them if he didn't get the satisfying answer.

"We will wait for our friend in fairyland to open the gate. That's our only way out." Lyod replied expressionlessly, but the phoenix detected doubt in his tone.

"I don't know how remarkable your friends are, but I can assure you that they might be able to open the gate from there, but the one here won't open."

The phoenix emperor's statement made Aria and the others' bodies go cold.

Did that mean they were stuck in this world? Only time will tell when Aria will last long before one of the beast kings devours her.

"Is there no other way?"