Ch. 186 The Luna Trial

After expressing her loss in tears, Aria felt a little better. She still felt lost and sad, but at least she had come to terms with it.

Aria decided to return to the Enchanted Forest, and her nose caught a pleasant smell of the earth as if it had just rained.

As soon as Aria saw Lyod waving at her, she accelerated her flight and immediately hugged Lyod's neck.

Lyod didn't know what had happened, but he felt the girl was unhappy and wondered where the girl's uncle was.

"Aria, did something happen? Where's your uncle?"

"He has gone. He won't come back again."

"What? What are you talking about?"

Aria explained what she saw and meant about her uncle not returning.

"So, it's the upper world."

Aria and Lyod looked at Khan with questioning gazes. In contrast to the underworld, which had intense dark energy, the upper world had magnificent light energy.