Ch. 194 The Star Unicorn King

With a flat gaze, Aria looked at the group of snakes, avoiding her. By the time she fell and saw this group of snakes, Aria was already feeling tired, and in pain, so she let her vampire genes kick in.

Using her vampire genes, Aria no longer felt pain, and her heart was no longer filled with panic or fear. Who would have thought that the vampire aura came out to frighten these snakes?

Aria gulped nervously and began to feel immensely dehydrated. She knew her thirst would not be quenched by just drinking water this time. She needed something more like… blood.

And this collection of snakes was enough to quench her thirst.

However… she couldn't do it. Aria musn't drink blood, let alone imagine it. Not to mention, everyone outside the forest must have watched what happened to her.