Ch. 206 The One Who Could Beat Lurker

Hearing a bunch of disgusting monsters came just to prey on all creatures in the four realms made Letti's heart tremble. Her face turned pale, and she thought about the situation in the mortal realm.

Even though Letti had an evil side by wanting other people's property, she still regarded humans. Her identity as a werewolf made her instincts to protect humans increase.

But when her father told her their home was protected by black miasma, her terror was replaced with anger.

"Dad, you already know this prophecy and have prepared a defense, but never once did you warn the other packs? What do you mean by this behavior?"

"Letti, listen to me. From a long time ago, the White Bridge and Goldcrown packs have occupied the first and second positions, while we always struggle between two and three. If the Goldcrown pack didn't have a gold mine, our wealth wouldn't lose to it."