Ch. 221God's Trial

Cecillion adored his daughter very much, but he loved his wife more. He knew sooner or later Aria would sink into a world of darkness since the light and dark could never merge, and Aria couldn't forever stand in between.

Given that the power of darkness was more dominant and aggressive than the power of light, Aria's chances of controlling the dark force were slim.

In case Trixy didn't have a chance to resurrect, or if he didn't know that his wife had an opportunity to revive, he would happily be with his daughter. He would help Aria get through the trials of the dark ages and let the girl defeat him to gain the power of the lord of the darkness.

Only by becoming the lord of the darkness the dark force within her would not be able to shake her faith, and Aria would become the absolute ruler over dark energy and evil spirits. But that doesn't mean the girl won't listen to the devil's whisper that will tempt her to deviate from her beliefs.