Ch. 230 Their Departure

After finishing all affairs in Orteaux, Aria and Lyod walked towards the Enchanted Forest hand in hand. Alpha Kirnon and Gwen, followed by Lyod's family and good friends, including Letti, accompany them.

Only they knew where Lyod and Aria would go in an incalculable amount of time. Therefore they ushered in the departure of the strongest couple with heavy feelings.

Alpha Kirnon decided to stay in Orteaux for a while. First, just like Lyod, he felt something was wrong with Alpha Harland's disappearance. He suspected the old Alpha had something to do with the rogue's growing number.

And secondly, the Goldcrown pack's territory had been destroyed by the lurker's first and second wave. In addition, the cave leading to the gold mine that only Kirnon and his confidants knew about had opened, indicating that someone had entered it.

After an investigation, all the gold had been robbed, proving there was a spy in the pack.