Ch. 234 Harder Than Imagined

As Aria expected, Lyod was fine, but that didn't mean Lyod's trial was easier than Aria's.

Lyod was currently facing a hundred monsters on the first floor, and even though the Holy Priest had told him that the first floor was filled with low-level monsters, the ones appearing before him were wolf beasts!?

A hundred wolves appeared in groups attacking Lyod, making the Alpha overwhelmed.

If this floor's monsters were this pack of wolves, Lyod couldn't imagine what kind of monsters existed on the hundredth floor.

Fortunately, these wolf beasts attacked him in groups of ten. The first group appeared and attacked Lyod, and the young Alpha overpowered this group easily.

The second group appeared, and the longer Lyod fought, the more exhausted he got. He felt like he couldn't fight anymore. In addition, he realized that the first group he had defeated did not die.