Ch. 243 Who Harmed The Beasts?

By the time Aria regained consciousness, it was already dark, and her stomach felt very hungry.

She looked to the side, thinking there would be fruit and vegetables waiting for her, but which was nothing.

Aria found nothing to eat next to her other than the poisonous black snake she had just healed.

Aria's eyes lit up as she saw the snake's scales become smooth and clean. Even its scales seemed to shimmer in the moonlight like precious black gemstones.

Aria raised a hand to stroke the top of the snake's head and gave a genuine smile.

"Thank goodness you're healed. You can go now."

But the snake did not leave. Instead, it followed Aria wherever she went.

At first, Aria didn't pay much attention to it, thinking the snake would stop following her after feeling bored.