Ch. 249 Mass Blood Exchange (part 3)

The process was a bit longer but still faster than what Aria remembered.

Aria did feel a bit drained of energy but recovered so quickly.

Her decision to do this mass blood exchange under the sun was right.

No matter how much energy was drained, it would recover quickly as long as the sun in this place was still shining.

In the end, Aria decided to do a blood exchange with as many beasts as she could get her hands on.

It was only when she felt tired, or it was getting dark, that Aria stopped.

Who would have thought that Aria could even replace over two hundred beast constitutions with dark attributes at the same time?

She didn't even feel tired or dizzy after doing more than two hundred blood exchanges.

Aria returned with a happy heart as soon as the sky turned dark.

After doing blood exchanges for hours, Aria felt hungry and decided to find something to eat.