Ch. 258 Letti's Concern

Xavier looked at Letti's fragile-looking back with evenly look.

He was the youngest and newest member of this squad and the only person with a dark constitution.

Ever since he joined the squad, Xavier never spoke or expressed his opinion.

It's because he felt alone thanks to his unusual attributes, death, and soul-controller attributes.

Even though the other squad members had never ostracized him, Xavier felt the token space was not his home. And the squad members were not his family.

Not surprisingly, none of the squad members had ever heard him speak. They even knew the name of the assassin when the token space told them by putting a word into their minds.

There were only two things Xavier did before meeting Aria. Practice and sleep.

Xavier trained in token space while others slept, and he slept when others woke up to practice or converse.

The Sovereign token had seven members, but it felt like having six plus one member.