Ch. 269 The Lonefack Pack (part 2)

Of the many small packs, only the Lonefang pack had a fast development and robbed other small packs. They not only robbed but raped the human mate and even made them the mother of their children.

The illegitimate offspring were taken prisoner and trained to become wild werewolves until they became a rogue.

The pack only had ten members, but their descendants were numerous and controlled by them to attack and loot other small packs' belonging.

Nevertheless, they did not dare to attack the major pack because they knew their strength would not be able to compete with them.

One day, one of the Alphas decided to trap this small pack by staying in one of the small packs as a member.

The Lonefang pack didn't expect that a group of elite werewolves lived there and was led by Alpha King himself. Ultimately, this wanted pack was captured and sentenced to death immediately.