Ch. 271 Legendary Wolf, The Moon Pack

Letti was still undaunted even though ten werewolves surrounded her and growled at her. Her father stood still some distance away, staring at her with interest.

If only Letti showed the slightest bit of her weak side, she was sure that Harland wouldn't stay silent. The man would definitely raise his voice to give Letti a chance so that Kellam wouldn't kill her right away.

But now, Harland was silent because he was sure Letti had a plan of her own to get out of Kellam's clutches.

"Are you sure you don't want to give yourself to me?" Kellam repeated in a more threatening tone, but Letti still didn't feel intimidated.

"I'd rather die than surrender to you." came her answer with a challenging tone.

"As you wish, then." Kellam raised a hand, and ten werewolves jumped in unison to pounce and tear Letti to pieces.