Ch. 283 Orteaux's Guests

Letti hit Xavier's chest lightly. "You, really. How dare you say that in front of my father?"

Xavier chuckled for a moment, then felt his head spinning. "I have to go back. Letti, don't act rashly to need Kaine or us. Try not to get hurt and strengthen the defenses. Sometimes a solid defense is much stronger than a great attack."

"I see. I will act wisely."

After getting the desired answer, Xavier returned to the token space because he no longer had the energy to support his physical body outside the space.

Letti returned alone to accompany her father. Sometimes she reads books or listens to reports from pack members through mind-linking.

If a problem can be solved without her presence, Letti will not leave this room.

She wanted the first person her father saw when he woke up to be her. Time flew by, and her father had been unconscious for almost a week.