Ch. 300 Aria Is Expecting?

A pair of lovers embraced each other in the spirit space, looking at each other to reduce the longing from their hearts. They told each other about their experiences, and Lyod knew that Aria had nearly died several times during her trial. But the third trial was completed quite easily.

Lyod didn't hide the fact that he was also repeatedly near death because he knew Aria often took most of his pain. But he did not explain in detail what kind of monsters often almost killed him.

After all, Lyod didn't want Aria to worry that it would make her unable to concentrate.

Lyod had successfully completed eighty floors, and now only twenty floors remained. If the calculations were accurate, he could finish them in less than a year.

As for Aria… she still had five more trials to deal with. The girl still has a long way to go, and no one knows what dangers await her.