Ch. 319 Reunite With The Beasts

Without further ado, Fye immediately brought Lyod and Aria back to the ice palace, where his father and uncle were playing chess again.

The two did nothing but play chess with Rhys, who always came out victorious, and Fane, who never accepted defeat and continued to challenge him.

As a result, the duties of a Phoenix Emperor piled up, and he poured them on his only son.

"Father, uncle, look what we have here." Fye's voice broke the silence and distracted Fane, who was contemplating his chess strategy.

But the moment he saw Aria together with a man he didn't know, he forgot about the chess match and greeted the girl right away.

"Well, if it's not the little girl. You look different."

"Thank you, Lord Fane. I hope it's a good difference."

"Who's that guy? Are you cheating on that boy?"

"Eh?" Aria needed time to digest the words.