Ch. 329 Absorbing The Inner Core

Lyod extended his hand towards Aria like when he asked her out. "Take a walk with me."

"Ah?" they were still undergoing trial. Why did Lyod even ask her out?

Aria released a resigned sigh and placed her hand on Lyod's palm.

As usual, his big hand gripped her firmly yet gently. 

His grip was as comfortable as a blanket but as secure as a shield.

Even though Aria could fend for herself and felt the power of her light getting purer, she knew there were some creatures she couldn't beat.

Aria could beat opponents with light and dark attributes but couldn't fight people with death or elemental attributes.

But having Lyod by her side made it seem like she could do anything.

Trials that seemed impossible became possible only with Lyod by her side.

Aria was grateful because the god allowed Lyod to help her in this sixth trial. Otherwise, Aria couldn't imagine what would happen later.