Ch. 331 Final Mission

Day after day until month after month, and today has even been a hundred days since Lyod absorbed the inner core non-stop.

Lyod didn't move from his sitting position or lift his eyelids. It was as if the man was in another world, leaving his physical body and struggling to conquer the Serpent King's ferocity and aggressiveness.

Lyod's clothes were soaked with sweat until Aria lost count of how many times she changed his clothes with magic. A few days ago, Lyod's face was getting paler, and his skin flushed as if lava was flowing in his blood.

Aria showered him with her light force to replenish his drained stamina and supported him in any way so Lyod could endure the immense power of the Serpent King.

And today, she noticed a significant change in Lyod. The Alpha was no longer groaning in pain, and his sweat was getting less and less. His facial muscles seemed more relaxed.