Ch. 363 Aria Is Dead?

The clock kept racing until the days had turned into weeks, and now it had been almost two months since Aria's celestial soul left her physical body. During these two months, Lyod made sure Aria's heart kept beating and warmed her body which was starting to cool down due to being soulless.

If Aria were just an ordinary human, that girl would have been dead since the first week. But Aria had undergone seven divine trials, and her body had transformed into that of a demigod. Not surprisingly, her heart was still beating normally, and she was still breathing even though there was no soul.

Lyod had been watching Aria's expression—not wanting to miss the slightest change from his wife. However, the girl was still expressionless, as if Aria had closed her heart off from the outside world. This made Lyod even more agitated and uneasy. On the contrary, Trixy's body gave off light—little by little, Lyod felt a life from his wife's beloved mother.