Ch. 382 Happy Ending

Briefly and clearly, Aria recounted all of her conversations with Lord Fane to her father. Her heart became increasingly restless to see her father's frown deepen and worry that something terrible would happen to her sons. Lyod noticed her anxiety and took her hand warmly, giving her mental strength, which managed to calm her anxiety.

"Father, is it true that you know this man?"

"I do know him very well. He is just like me, a Flamen Head."

"Flamen Head? What's that?"

"When a person is chosen to become a god and successfully clears more than half of the trial, his body and soul have transformed into that of a god. However, if he stopped continuing the trial and could survive for more than ten years, he would become a Flamen Head. And the Flamen Head's job is to guide and teach what a god should do to… the next god candidate."