Jerome (Part 23): Welcome Home

"When Jerome still lived with his parents, his eyes were yellow with golden flecks in their pupils, much like those of Lyod, his father. He never breathed in nor drank blood, so his vampire genes remained passive.

However, during the ten years he lived with his kidnapper, Jerome hunted, killed, and sucked blood frequently. After residing in his star domain without eating or drinking, his eyes automatically turned red. Even though he wasn't hungry, he still needed blood to quench his hunger.

"My eyes are red because I haven't drunk blood in ten years. Once I quench my thirst, they will return to being the same as father."

Hearing that Jerome needed blood, all the warriors, including the three members of the no-face squad, stiffened.

"Aria never wanted her firstborn to drink blood, but this..." Rasmos was almost speechless. "Lionel, do you have any other way to confirm his identity?"