
Elena's pov:

I don't know why I feel uneasy today, Matt didn't call me or text me this afternoon. I don't know why but I got worried a lot... Elena stop it!, everything is fine you are just imagining things I said to myself. But I felt more and more anxious as passing time. I tried to call Matt but his phone is switched off. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. Matt! I hurriedly open the door hoping it's Matt but it's Farah. She looks anxious.

Elena: Are you alright Farah? What are you doing here at this time?

I asked her worriedly.

Farah: we need to go to the hospital, Matt is in hospital, and his condition is critical.

I felt like my whole world falling apart, Matt was in the hospital, he was critical, and now I know why I was anxious. Matt! I felt my heartbreaking. Soon we went to the hospital and I entered his room. I felt shattered and broken, I sat at his side and took his hand in my hand. Soon tears fell from my eyes automatically.

Elena: Matt wake up! Wakeup Matt!

I didn't know up to this date what I felt for him, but I know now I love him, doctors told us if Matt didn't wake in 48 hours he would be in a coma.

Elena: Matt I love you. I love you. Please wake up. I can't live without you please wake up, you have to wake up for your brother, for me, for all of us.

I didn't realize I was crying for about an hour. Soon I felt Matt's hand tighten in my hand. I looked at his face. Matt opened his eyes.

Matt: An... Gel

Elena: Matt! Matt! Doctor! Doctor!

I called the doctor, Soon the doctor came in and checked Matt and others also came in and the doctor told us that Matt was now out of danger but needed rest.

Matt's pov:

As everyone left the room Ryan came in and sat next to me. He was broken, I know how he is feeling, if I was in his situation, I don't know what I would have done.

Ryan: Bro I am sorry I didn't protect you.

Is he mad, he tried everything to protect me, how can he blame himself, he and everyone know very well what we are doing is very dangerous, still, he blames himself.

Matt: Ryan you and I know perfectly what we are doing is dangerous so don't feel sorry.

Ryan: Matt...

I cut him and told him not to feel sorry anymore he nodded. Soon my angel entered my room and sat next to me. Her eyes are puffy. She has been crying a lot for me. I want to just hold her in my arms, I don't know whether I was dreaming or not but I heard my angel saying she loves me.

Matt: Elena I am alright now. I am sorry, due for me you have cried a lot.

Elena: What are you saying, don't apologize for this. I was so worried for you Matt.

I know I can look clearly at your face and eyes my angel. I told her to come near to me and she placed her hand in my hand. Dreaming or not but one thing is clear I love her a lot.

I called Ryan and told him to go on his date tomorrow. I know how many arrangements he has made, he tried to refuse it but I insisted on him. As long I have my angel by my side, I am fine.