
Matt's pov:

I was sitting with my beautiful angel, she was lying with me on her bed, I was playing with her hair and we were talking about everything. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I looked at it it was Ry(Ryan). I answered him.

Matt: hi bro, what's up?


Ryan seemed so angry and before I could say anything he hung up the call. What got to him?

Matt: Angel I need to go, Ryan called me, something serious happened I guess.

Elena: What happened?

My angel said worriedly.

Matt: I don't know baby, I don't know.

Elena insisted on coming with me so we both went home. As soon as we reached home everyone was anxious and Maxx approached me and told me to follow him. We followed him and soon reached the meeting hall. Everyone is there dad, mom, Ryan, and others.

Matt: What's going on?

I saw Ryan very anxious and angry in the corner of the hall near the window.

Gabriel: Farah has been kidnapped by that son of bitch Nicholas.

What! I become very angry, how dare he? Oh no Ry. I reached out to him, I had never seen Ry so angry in my whole lifetime. I hugged him. He said angrily and anxiously.

Ryan: I will kill him, Matt, I will kill him, what will I do, what if that son of bitch touched her, she is pure Matt, innocent, even I didn't touch...

He didn't complete his sentence, I was so angry, I know what he was feeling, if someone tried to do such a thing to my angel, oh no I forgot Elena! I checked her she was sitting on the floor completely shocked and with tears in her eyes. Mom was trying to comfort her. I will kill that son of bitch, Farah is important to both my brother and my love so naturally, she is important to me. Suddenly Dad said.

Gabriel: Farah is important to all of us but what Nicholas demanded is impossible.

What demand, I was surprised. Dad looked at me and explained everything.

Ryan: I don't care about goods, I want my angel.

Gabriel: I know how you are feeling, but this thing will bring great damage to us. We will find a way.

Ryan remained silent, I suddenly got an idea and explained everything to everyone, and all agreed. I sit next to my angel and take her in my arms, she was crying.

Elena: Matt if anything happened to Farah, what will I...

I didn't let her finish and said softly

Matt: nothing is going to happen to Farah, I promise to you.