
Farah's pov:

I was sitting in bed when Eli came into my room and said to me.

Elena: you are getting ready and we are going out.

Farah: I am not in the mood Eli.

Elena: enough of it, you are going out and that is final.

Eli insisted, so I decided to go. In the last few weeks, I have been feeling depressed because of what happened to my parents. Ryan was always with me trying to comfort me and Eli was also doing her best to make me happy, even though she was worried about her parents we think her parents don't know anything yet because they called her normally.

Eli and I reached a park, it was decorated with beautiful light, it was so beautiful and suddenly I spotted Ryan in the middle of the park with beautiful shining lights in the surroundings, he looked so handsome. What is he doing here? I approached him.

Farah: What are you doing here and what is all of this?

Ryan bends to his knees, oh my god! Is it what I am thinking, my heart starts pounding in my chest. Ryan took something from his pocket and opened it, my heart stopped beating for a second, a beautiful diamond ring.

Ryan: will you marry me Farah Gilbert?

I don't believe it, he is proposing to me.

Farah: yes! Yes Ryan I will marry you.

Ryan put the ring on my finger. And stood up and kissed me passionately. I responded to his kiss with the same passion.

1 month later.....

I am so happy and sad as well today, happy about getting married to the love of my life and sad that my parents are not here with me. I tried to call them, but they refused. Eli came to my room.

Elena: wow! Farah, you look breathtaking.

Her eyes were in tears and she was so happy for me. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

Ryan and I got married happily and everyone congratulated us. It was the best day of my life. I know the path I chose I lost my parents, and my family but at the same time I found the love of my life. I know one day I will convince them.

7 months later...

I am sitting on the hospital bed and my lovely boy in my hands, he is so cute and looks just like Ryan. Ryan entered my room sat next to my bed and took the baby in his arms tears in his eyes.

Ryan: wow! Farah. He is so cute and light. I love you both. I will protect you both. You two are most important to me. I will kill anyone who would come near to my son.

I do not doubt that he will protect our son. He is a great husband and I know he will be a great father. He has already shown me how much he loved our child while I was pregnant. How much he pampered me.

Farah: I love you too Ryan.

Today I felt complete, our family felt complete.

Ryan: I am gonna protect you both always.

We named him James Carter.

The END.