
Arsalan's pov:

It has been a few months and Farah is still in a coma. Shahid had lost hopes of her waking up. He had become a cold, heartless monster. He kills everyone. He is ruthless. It's just like he is not my brother anymore. He kills without emotions. He gave painful deaths to his enemy. Everyone thought after what happened with Farah will weaken Shahid but it was totally the opposite he become powerful, Ruthless. He killed Alexander Blade and his whole gang. Nobody wants to remember his painful death. All the men are afraid of Shahid. No one is allowed to enter Farah's room nor Shahid enter her room.

I don't know how to help him. If things continue he will be destructed. I know everyone sees his anger. But I and the rest of the family can see his pain. It's killing him each day. If things continue he will be doomed with pain and anger. With pain, I entered her room and sit beside her, and put her hand in my hand.

Arsalan: Farah please wakeup. Please! You don't know what is happening when you are here. Please, Farah. My brother needs you. Your husband had become a monster. Please Farah wake up.

I saw the door open and saw Shahid. I know even though he declined but he came here and talk to Farah or we can say scold Farah. He thinks she betrayed him. She killed herself over her body. I know because of pain and anger, his mind is not working. He doesn't see things that his beautiful wife saved herself from monsters for him. It takes courage to do the thing she did. I respected her but now I feel proud of her. She is really our queen. She never gave them satisfaction. And only she can help Shahid from doming.

Shahid: What he'll are you doing here?

Arsalan: it should be my question!

Shahid: don't ask me a stupid question, the woman lying on the bed is my bloody life, my wife.

He said angrily.

Arsalan: oh really, then why don't you believe that she will wake up and why are making destruction to yourself. Why have you become a monster? Why brother?

Shahid: you know brother why? Because the love of my life is lying there. She was my happiness, my everything. I was never heartless even though I was a Mafia leader but they took my happiness away from me. They took my love away from me. They thought they could weak me but they forget she is my strength and my power. Even though she will not wakeup but she will be always the love of my life.

I didn't understand his statement. He has lost his mind. I said angrily.

Arsalan: oh really if that is so then why keep her here. Why don't you bury her? Why keep her breath alive with these machines. You know what let me do that for you.

I was never going to do that. I just want to bring some sense to his brain.

Shahid: don't you fucking dare to touch anything.

Arsalan: oh really what will you do?

Soon he did something which my brother could never do he punched me and then I lost it I punched him back. Soon we started fighting in her room. Soon we heard a machine beeping sound, it was the same sound when someone woke up from a coma. We stop dead at the spot. We slowly looked in her direction and I run towards her. Shahid remains rooted to his spot.

She opened her eyes slowly and said softly...

Farah: who.... has .....become.... monster?

I feel like heaven, she woke up. I chuckled at her comment with tears in my eyes.

Arsalan: no one. Wait let me call the doctor.

I left her room to call the doctor.

Farah's pov:

I heard nothing but someone calling monster. Then I heard a hitting sound. As I opened my eyes I saw Arsalan chuckled with tears in his eyes. He left the room to call the doctor. I felt pain in my body. I slowly looked in the other direction of the room and there is he looking at me shocked rooted to the spot. I can see the pain in his eyes. I can feel relief in my body seeing him alive. Before I can say anything, the doctor and others enter my room.

Doctor: Mrs. Maqdoomi how are you feeling?

Farah: I feel pain in my body and numb otherwise I am fine.

Doctor: yeah that's obvious. Let me check your vitals.

After checking everything, the doctor told me that I am fine but still it will take me 2 weeks to get fully recovered.

Bella: oh my god Farah, I can't believe you woke up. You scared us a lot. But we all know that you will wake up one day.

Bella said in tears. Then my fav brother-in-law said crying.

Abrar: I miss you angel so much. You scared us.

After everyone left. I looked at my husband. He still didn't come near to me or said any word. He was just looking at me. I felt cringe in my heart. What has happened to him? How painful he is?

Farah: are you gonna stare at me only or come near to me?

He slowly came to me before I say anything. He said angrily.

Shahid: how dare you kill yourself. How could you do to me?

Even though I should get angry over him. Get hurt. But I know he had been hurt that's why he is angry.

Shahid: how could you betray me over your bloody body. Those monsters could only harm your body, but how could you forget that your soul belongs to me.