
Britany's pov:

Those Black Panthers and their Queen. I will teach them a lesson. I have already access to their files. I will make their ugly queen pay and for that, I know where I have to go. Giovani Rage. Italian Mafia leader and one of the enemies of Shahid Maqdoomi. I have worked with him in past and we had lots of make-out at times. But I then left Italy due to some personal reasons.

Giovani: what a pleasant surprise Britany?

He said in sarcasm. I know he is annoyed at me for working for Black Panthers but I was so obsessed with that pathetic Shahid that I ignored this totally. But I know how to make things for him. I reached him and but arms around his neck.

Britany: Oh Giovani don't be like this when I was working for you all time.

He raised his eyebrow. I smiled at him.

Govani: what do you mean?

Britany: I was working as a spy for you. Do you really think I would work with your enemy?

Govani smirked at me. And that's it, I know how to make things again.

Govani: that's my Gal. So what we have got?

I told him every detail about their business.

Britany: I have a plan as I have excess to their shipment I can trap shahid.

After discussing everything Giovani and I did our make-out. Govani is hot and sex god but..... Anyway.

Shahid's pov:

I reached my room. All lights were off. I try to switch on the lights but someone grabbed my hand and I know exactly who is this person.

Shahid: what are you...

she put her finger on my lips.

Farah: shush...

I feel hot by her move. she leave me there and closed the door and locked the door. what is she up to?

slowly dim lights appear in the room and my wife is in front of me in a very short sexy nightgown. I feel myself becoming hard. I have never seen my wife in revealing western clothes but today she.....

Her hair is open, she never keeps her hair open, she is wearing makeup, she hardly wears makeup because my beautiful wife is naturally beautiful. Her legs and arms are open. She never shows them in public. she never wears such clothes not even in front of me. That's why I was stunned to look at her like this.

she moves toward me seductively with so much passion in her eyes.

Shahid: God woman what are you doing to me?

she put both arms around my neck and said seductively.

Farah: what I am doing to you, can you explain it, husband.

shahid: Fuck!

Before I could kiss her, there is a knock on the door. Fuck me! who the hell is this? Farah looked at me confused.

Arsalan: Bro sorry to disturb you but it's an emergency.

Farah pulls the covers on her immediately and closed her hair. I adjusted my pants. As I was going to open the door and I said annoyed.

Shahid: it better be important otherwise you are dead.

As we opened the door. Arsalan looked at us and smirked at both of us.

Arsalan: I am sorry for disturbing your baby-making plans.

Farah blushed and I glared at him. He raised his arms up in surrender.

Arsalan: there is a shipment coming tonight?

I raised my eyebrow at him.

Shahid: how come?

Arsalan: I don't know brother, it's last-minute information and your presence is important.

I looked at my beautiful wife. I don't want to leave her but the shipment will not be done without my presence.

Farah: it is ok shahid go I will wait.

shahid: I will be back soon.

I kissed her forehead and left with my brothers and my few men.

Farah's pov:

It is 6 pm and still, there is no news from the boys. They left yesterday. Why they are taking so much time.

Bella: why are they taking so much time. It had never taken this much time.

I become tensed. we try to contact them but their phone is switched off.

Farah: Maxx!

Maxx: yes Farah.

Farah: Any news on why they are taking so long?

Maxx: I don't know Farah. we kinda lost them somehow. I mean the information about the shipment is lost from the system. I don't how. we don't have clue where are they.

Farah: WHAT! HOW!

Maxx: we are trying our everything to track them.

Farah: so then don't stand there go track them.

Maxx nodded.

Maria: calm down Farah. They will be fine. I think it was an unannounced shipment that's why it is taking time.

Bella: Maybe she is right.

I know they both are freaking out but for me they are calm. I feel bad talking to Maxx like this but my mind is not working properly. I am having a weird feeling that something is wrong.

After finally 3 hours they arrive. I immediately run to the entrance. I saw both Arsalan and Abrar are bloody injured and only 2 men with them brutally injured.

Farah: What the hell happened to you?

They sit on the couch both Bella and Maria sit near them. But my eyes looked at the entrance. I am freaking out.


I am yelling like a mad cow. Abrar stood up and hugged me and said

Abrar: calm down Farah.

I froze on spot. He has never called me by my name. From day one he always calls me Angel. This is the first time.

Abrar: they trapped us, Farah. They took Shahid with them. But we will bring him ba...

As soon I heard this I jerked away from him and shouted in horror.


Abrar: I am sorry Farah. We tried everything to stop them, they killed all our men. They took him.

I was so angry and boiling with anger. How dare they hurt my family, and took the love of my life away from me. They could never do this alone. Someone had betrayed us.

Farah: who is this Bastard? someone betrayed us. They could not do this alone.

Arsalan: That fucking whore Britany betrayed us.

That fucking bitch. I will show her what is going to happen when she messes with Black Panthers and my husband.

Farah: with whom?

Arsalan: That mother fucker Giovani Rage.

Farah: MAXX!

I am boiling with anger. By taking our king they lead this to war. They will pay for everything. They thought by taking our king they will finish Black Panthers. But they forgot that Black Panther's queen is alive.

Maxx: yes queen.

Farah: Gather everyone.

Arsalan: what are doing? we should not do anything on impulse.....

I glared at him and said in authorized tune.

Farah: I am not asking your advice. It is your queen's order.

Everyone looks at me in horror because it is the first time I impose things on my people as queen. Maxx looked at me in horror. I looked at him and glared at him.

Farah: didn't I make myself clear?

Maxx: ye...ss yes

Maxx said nervously.