In a park sunlights pass away between the trees branches , sun was at its lowest this afternoon .
A black cat passing by and see twos children getting along at the base of a tree. The scenery was harmonious with golden light who can be see through ,if you concentrate enough . One was wearing an older version of kimonos, mysterious aura encompassed this one and the other one is casually dressed with a white dress, her face wore her always neutral expression. and her eyes who shows vicissitudes.
These last weeks i passed my time with this girl Mika, she looked bored. Every time
i practiced, she was there, so i started to teach things to her on spirits. I also figured she's a wandering spirit but the chain hooked to her chest intrigued me , it's have been cut and she's a little corroded. The others spirits i saw all have chains, ether cut or not bounded to somewhere or something, i suppose.
´Here it's indeed different about spirits. I must enquire about it and these creatures who have the same frequency but have divergence about them '
I watch the sunset retire and give way to the evening where the moon will shine with sparkling strokes. The last rays of the gigantic star went through my face before hiding from the night.
"It's getting late,I'll be here tomorrow don't come out too much if you are afraid, be safe there are these creatures lurking around"
"Who's afraid !?, I'll waiting for you don't be late"
"Yes, wait for me " she said with a light smile.
"Go awaaay !"she said with a little blush on her cheek and disappears.
On the way back , she feels the familiar presence, which is always there, when she is with Mika or when she is training alone.
The presence is right behind her, she drop her instinct pressure in the direction and a black cat comes out of her hiding place.
Their eyes meet, an eyebrow raise.
"Oh, you dare to approach, you don't observe today ?"
The black cat brazenly come up to her, and she take some biscuits and milk carton out of her pocket,she open up the lid and put the biscuits and milk available.
She wanted to caress it but, he avoids her hand and escapes.
"What a white eyed cat ! I feed you and you don't even let me caress you" her eyebrows are raised with little astonishment and playful sight in her ruby like eyes"
She turn around and continues her road and see one of these masked creatures from afar, this one was feasting over souls.
'There only one road who lead to home, and i dont want to use energies to move quickly'
The creatures stop over their feast and look at the direction of Astarte , he noticed , that she can see themselves and gets in position to charge. Astarte see the creatures charge at her and growl.
"You're greedy."she exclaims with a silent tone
She doesn't move an inch and awaiting that it passes within its perimeter. A sword materializes in a golden spacial portal above them and pierces the creature at full speed through the back of its skull, the mask is broken by the blade made by the sword and blood surges. the creature disappears as if it had never been there.
"You soils my shoes with your blood and the blade "
' Goldy , will complain to me that i soils his treasures. I already a headache just thinking about it'
She sight and advance towards the "feast".
"And for you" she said while looking at the remains of these souls ," I don't know if i can save you all, it's too late. May you rest. "
The torturer scene disappears with the remnants of spirits and the night gives way.
A witness, led back into the shadows with the aftertaste of milk on his taste buds.
"Astarte, how was your day, where are u been ? Masaki welcome astarte at the entrance.
"I played with a friend in the park and didn't feel the time passes "
"It is blood on your shoes ?" Masaki said with an interrogatives tone. She approach and take the shoes and think this was almost fresh.
They move in the living room and she said
" I had a nose bleed and didn't pay attention, i will take a shower"
Ichigo was eating and Isshin was sit on the sofa watching TV and raises its head without their direction.
"Oh, i'll also take my bath , Astarte come with Daddy.
It's been a long time since she feels throwing, 'Daddy' the word irritates her.
"How was your day Ichigo !? It's there anything did she bully you ?" She said with her most sincere smile
"Astarte take .."
Ichigo know his dad like all kid of his age love his father but doesn't mean he want to be implicated in his antics. So he played along with his sister.
"Good, i played with Tatsuki chan today. Can you help me to learn a new set of mouvements , there a mini tournament in twos weeks."
" Astarte you t.."
"No, problem I'll come at the dōjō with you."
"Astarte how do u help you if you're not registered at the dojo"
Astarte sneer internally, straighten up her back and said .
"I'm special guest Issh..Old man and I don't want to bath with you ! "
The man passes her and comes straight into the arms of Masaki with aggrieved face.
" DO YOU HEAR MASAKI, how she talk to me, is it early puberty? She doesn't want to take a bath with me!"
'Grown man like u gesticulate because i don't want to take a bath with u ,it's worrying'
Masaki watch him with little amusement and helplessness and said to me
"Don't forget, tomorrow afternoon we will going at the dentist "
' Huh , i did forgot about that and there are Mika, i had promised'
"Ok" i said, while heading to my room and take my spares.
"I guess if i break my promise she'll be mad" i sight and enter in the bathtub.
It's been near 1 hours, we are the cabinet of this dentist. He tampered the mouth of Ichigo during 15 minutes. I always through that dentist are secret sadist and enjoy all of this
"Do , she have antecedents, diabetes,treatment,something?"
" She has nothing, i think, she's not the kind to be sick" Masaki naturally answers at all his questions while soothing Ichigo who have tears hang up on his eyes.
The dentist put his hands on his chin and said with a deep voice
"Open your mouth and said Aaaaaaaaa" i do as asked, with careful observation, he summarize with " Her teeth and tongue are really good and despite being young her teeth grows perfectly fine, it's rare"
'I took my first breath , you wasn't even born. Of course, i brush my teeth 2 times a day sometimes 3 but not recommended for weak and sensitive gencives and teeth mesh'
This dentist talked a lot, there was these moments where he tried to hit on her. I like mil.. mature woman too but i not hit on in front of her children unless i do it on purpose.
I let Masaki and Ichigo on the road and run towards the park.
I almost arrive at our rendezvous spot, that's i hear a painful screaming not far, i approach ,the place where the cries come from and see the person I was looking for hold their chest. I have never saw a ghost sweating until today.
"Mika , Are you ok ? " her face was pale and full of pain. I take her in my little arms and observe her status. And see her chains nibbling itself.
' Do her chains nibbles itself??? '
Her cry dropped and her face returns to normal 3 minutes later as if nothing had happened. She looks right in my eyes but mine are locked on her chest.
"You're late, you promised. "
"Sorry, but, i'm here now. Do this happen often? When did it started?
"I don't know much maybe 6 months and half ago" she through
"Why, im not already a witness ? "
" I don't know, when you're here, the pain don't tingle often,like before, but, it's not big deal because you're here." She said with trustworthy smile
"You idiot, come at me directly . we'll make a binding like that you don't have to wait"
Two women was in a grande room, one was Astarte in her original form and the other it's a blonde woman, with deep red eyes and pride gloominess escaping from itself. The second divinity who share Astarte as her avatar. " Ereshkigal, Goddess of the underworld and others". The interior decoration is half western and eastern, an influence of many different eras, there are luster on the ceiling, animal skin as carpet, ancient weapons on the walls and the most weirdest thing here was the TV UHD 4K 190 CM (75"). This was one part of the mindscape of Astarte , she summoned one part of the Goddess by the link that connect them, but this one was a little upset and cold because of her.
'My favorite goddess how come, i let you down. i through you already know, don't you know she send me here under the pretext of holidays but it's just entertainment for her. I already took the bullet' she said with sincerity.
" This brat, she must play on Venus with her fellow goddess, we'll see later" she sight, come at me and sit next to me. Astarte through 'As long as you don't fight inside my head that's fine with me'. "It's been a long time, what can i do for you ?"
The atmosphere changes drastically and start talking like there are serious business going up here.
"Today, i saw a ghost sweat, do you ever see a ghost sweat ?"
The woman frowns as if she heard a stupid question. But it's true she's never seen sweaty ghosts. She saw gloomy, afraid, unemotional but not sweaty ghost.So, she pretends to let her keep talking.
"Do you have knowledge on chains on spirits and chains whose nibbles itself , i did understand the concept where chains are connected, bound to a place where the spirit dead or person who's important for themselves, but cuted chains who devours itself"
The dignified aura around the Goddess literally drop out "What's this ? Explain from the beginning"
So, i explained what did i observed and happened to mika.
"I do understand, let's me watch it" The deity face come back at normal and talk with seriousness, she was really intrigued by chains that erode and eat itself .Astarte relaxe and give access at these memories.
" This world spirits are really special, and theses "spirits" you call creatures "
" Spirits??"
"Isn't they're are, you through that's they feel similar, think of them like a evolution/ mutation they eat souls of dead maybe living and despite all their forms, they're all something in commun" Astarte began to think and the answer came very quickly. "A hole, they're all have holes! "
Ereshkigal face subtly change but the red around her neck climbs all over her face.
Astarte saw the change in her and with questioning eyes asks her
"It there's anything?"
" nothing, i just through of one of Ishtar disgraceful jokes about holes ,on these you twos are the same"
Astarte began to chuckle at the red showed on the Goddess ears and through she was very cute. "Chill, there isn't sexual innuendo in what i said" She straightens up her back and with a little smile and seriousness.
"I suppose the chains are entirely nibbled until the core, they feel painful, what will happen?maybe the chains will be destroyed and will leave a hole instead and they'll become these mindless creatures who I'm sure can eat each other's "
"It's a theory, you can ignore or discard it"
" No, the theory stands there's a lack of informations but it stands,don't forget that spirits who stay in the world of living for a long time whether there's are regrets, obsessions, guardians is not recommended and not always good and then the underworlds...." She stops and hesitate to continue.
Astarte has a raised eyebrow and tells the goddess with her eyes to continue. this one can't resist his gaze and continues with colorful check with the shame that she can't resist her unique petite and favorite avatar."They're specials".
She doesn't move a inch on her pretty face,
there is little that can interest Astarte, after all she has seen almost all of what there is to see but after all, it was what Ereshkigal felt and perceive. A goddess who saw nothing of the outside world, almost never left her beloved underworld, after all these millennia,trapped in her divine work since she was very young and then there is her sister.. She doesn't pity her but admire and respect her. The only times were when Astarte let her possess her body ,so she can try to understand Ereshkigal.
"Oh , i almost forgot, thanks for the gift"
She try to remember what she gives to her via Ishtar.
"Oh, Balor eyes! The eyes of Death perception. Pretty cool isn't it" She exclaims and chuckle " But, what i gave you isn't the capacity or the eyes themselves, but the opportunity to have them, you would have to be in a near-death situation or die and come back to get them properly"
" If, i come up with the opportunity of been in a constant state of death and at the same time been alive, Isn't what coma is. I'll wait until i grow up and put me to sleep"
"Okay, so i'll wait for next time, you can leave now and take out Lugalirra or Meslamtaea, both your weapons are bored"
"I let them with you because, i didn't need them or their presence in the last world. But tell em, that maybe this time, there will be some fun, outside."