Chapter 16

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps was heard down the hall. The captain of the guard and 4 more guards had arrived. They walked until they were in front of Agatha's cell.

"Captain, don't you think you exaggerated a little? I can't even recognize her face." The 1st guard said.

"He's right, captain. She was so pretty, it's such a waste that you left her in this state before we could taste it." The 2nd guard said, clicking his tongue in disappointment.

"She deserved it, after what they did to my daughter. I would have continued, if the baron hadn't meddled." The captain complained, glancing contemptuously at the half-dead woman in front of him.

"Is she still alive? You were brutal with her yesterday, a normal person would have died like 10 times already." The 3rd guard said perplexed. He didn't know whether to praise the woman's tenacity, or praise the captain's technique, which left her alive even in such a state.

"Don't worry about it. She's capable of using mana like me, so she's stronger than she looks. We just need someone to use divine magic on her face, enough to recognize her, so we hand her over to the baron." The captain of the guard spoke.

"But how are you going to get the priest here? It's full of people because of the fire." The 1st guard asked confused.

Don't worry, I've already taken care of that. Isn't it, sister?" The captain spoke, looking at the 4th guard, who had been silent until then.

The 4th guard removed his helmet, revealing a female face. City guard helmets covered the face of the person wearing it, to keep the person's identity hidden. It was a security measure, to prevent the guards' families from taking any risks by having their identities exposed.

The problem is that this allowed anyone to easily disguise themselves as a guard, as happened now.

"Haa...this stuff is suffocating, you know? How can you bear to wear it all day?" She took off her helmet, revealing a female face.

"And I thought you were just a rookie the captain called. Who knew you'd have such a pretty face." The 2nd guard whistled at her.

"Control yourself, she is here on duty, understand?" The captain glared at him.

"Gavin, my pretty, you don't have to be so cold to me. You know you can call me whenever you want." The nun said in a seductive tone, as she clung to the captain out of habit.

"Liza, I'm not in the mood right now." The captain said, pushing her away abruptly. "Now do your job and heal that bitch, so I can take her to the baron."

"Tch, what a boring guy. You're a lot more fun without your uniform." The nun said angrily, but obeyed. She entered the cell and held Agatha's face roughly. "You just need her face healed, right?"

"Yeah, let's make her wear an overcoat, so don't worry about the rest." the captain said.

"OK." She turned around again and closed her eyes in concentration. A white light began to gather in her hand, before spreading across Agatha's face. The light spread from her head to her neck, diagnosing all injuries.

"Hey Captain, did I hear wrong or did that nun call you pretty?" The 2nd guard asked. trying pull subject. Until the healing was over, they could do nothing but wait.

"That doesn't interest you." The captain responded brusquely.

"I'm also curious, I thought the nuns had a vow of chastity." the 1st guard asked.

"See? I'm not the only one who's curious! How did you go about eating a nun and how do I do it too?" the 2nd guard asked, getting excited just thinking about it.

"Hahaha, vow of chastity, isn't. It's hard to keep vows, when the priest is a regular customer of the red light district." The captain laughed at his stupidity. "Most nuns are just like him. They pretend to be innocent to people, but they have affairs with other men.

If you really want to fuck a nun, I can do you a favor and ask Liza to introduce you to someone." The captain spoke with a disgusting smile, but his subordinates didn't see it because of the helmet.

"Captain, you are the best!" The 2nd guard said.

Meanwhile, Liza struggled to try to heal Agatha. Her wounds were so many and so deep that a single mistake could kill her. Her body had lost a lot of blood and any attempt at healing would drain what little vitality was keeping her alive.

Liza struggled to try to heal her enough to be recognized, but failed. She had no choice but to throw in the towel. "Hey, sorry to mess up the orgy planning, but we have a problem."

"What's the problem?" The captain asked.

"She's too weak to be healed. If I keep going, she'll die before her lips go dry." Liza said with a shrug. She didn't give a damn if Agatha died or not, the important thing was that she got her pay.

"Um...that's a problem. There's no way to nourish her enough, just to heal her face?" The captain asked irritably, even though it was his fault, she be like this.

"Until yesterday morning there was, a pity it burned everything." Liza said with a sneer. referring to the nutritional potions that Robert sold.

"If you ignored her condition and continued healing, do you think you could make her face recognizable?" the captain asked, with a hideous plan in mind.

"Holy magic doesn't work on corpses, but I could use a strong spell to heal everything at once, but she'll still die." Liza said, not understanding what he was getting at.

The captain thought for a while, weighing his options. 'I can't take her to the baron the way she is. He wants a show to calm the public, so his face must be visible.

She's going to be killed anyway, so as long as people don't find out it won't be a problem.' He made his decision and ordered:

" Proceed. "

"But-" Liza tried to object, but the captain's steely gaze stopped her.

She silently turned around and performed an advanced healing spell, divine blessing. The spell spread across her face, healing her quickly.

The purple eyes regained color, the crushed nose came back into place, the broken teeth grew back in, the severed tongue regenerated, and the burnt skin was restored. To the guards' amateur eyes it seemed like a miracle, but for someone capable of feeling mana like the captain, it was a horrible thing.

The spell just healed everything with brute force, ignoring all the damage it did in the process. He reopened the stagnant wounds and forcefully healed them, tearing the flesh and healing it in place. The chunks of nose bones pierced her flesh, increasing the damage even more.

In the end her face was partially healed with a few small scars and a swollen nose, but nothing that made her unrecognizable.

Liza didn't need to see her vitals to confirm the death. It was enough to flow the mana to the eyes to notice the core falling apart and the energy flowing through the body. A clear sign that she was dead. The mana would remain in the body for approximately 1 day, before dispersing.

"Well, that sure was anticlimactic. But I did my part and I want my payment." Liza said, feeling a bitter taste in her mouth. She had already witnessed the death of other people, but it was the first time she had killed in person.

She felt horrible and wanted to get out of that place. After receiving, of course.

The captain didn't say anything to her and just handed her a bag of coins. After confirming the amount, Liza left without looking back. The captain didn't give her a second glance, focused entirely on Agatha's body.

He felt extreme anger just looking at her and wanted nothing more than to break her to pieces, but he had to hold back.

"You two rip her feet apart until they're no longer recognizable. We need a reason to carry her." He pointed to guards 1 and 2. "And as for you, bring an overcoat and put her on. We're already late for the trial, we can't wait any longer."