Caio and Emilia's Past

The city sewer, amidst the wreckage.

A part of the stones began to shake before moving to the side, revealing Emilia's burned body. She spat the dirt into her mouth as she tried and failed to get up. In his right hand, two rings glowed with magical power. Its silver surface cracked from the excess energy that flowed into it, quickly losing its luster and the enchantment fading.

Emilia had poured almost all of her mana into the two rings on her right hand in a desperate attempt to survive. The first was a magic ring capable of forming a dome of light, something common for any mage.

The earthquake dust in the explosion made the ground brittle and the shock wave pushed the dome of light like a wrecking ball against the ground. Inside the small dome, Emilia's body slammed against the walls of light quickly, but she managed to conjure a pillow over her head, avoiding a concussion and fainting spell that would have been fatal in that situation.