A sick obsession

A man in white armor descended from the sky. It was armor similar to the royal guard's armor, but much more detailed, as if the creator cared more about its appearance than its functionality.

His eyes were glowing with amber energy, but Trevor saw that there was a man's body beneath the armor. This bastard had already sent soldiers against them, as well as assassins, but it should be impossible for him to attack them personally.

"How, how are you here?!" Selena suddenly screamed, her eyes bloodshot as she gritted her teeth until her molars cracked. The sand beneath his feet turned to glass as it cracked to dust, the surroundings turning so dark it felt like night.

Kastil looked into her eyes as he flashed a hideous smile. "It's quite simple. I noticed that the old man had the same energy signature as me, because he parasitized himself with a part of my body. I did the same with one of the prisoners from the roots of the damned, after breaking his mind, it is clear.