
'Good job.' Athos praised Emilia and sat down properly, interrupting Treevor's endless rant.

"Yes, I agree with you, but our time is limited and I need these usable and enchanted weapons ASAP, so get to work." Athos spoke.

"I will, but I need access to my mana for that. Would you be so kind?" Treevor pointed to his own body which was still standing in the same position as before.

"You can get back into your body with no problem. The currents are no longer forcing you back into your body, so it should be possible for you to leave and come back whenever you want." Athos spoke disinterestedly, massaging his temples.

Treevor didn't much like the lack of confidence in Athos's voice, but it didn't do any good to keep stalling. He returned to his own body, his empty eye sockets glowing for a second as he straightened up.