Assault mode

Humans depended on agriculture and livestock for sustenance and it was no exaggeration to say that their countries would crumble without them. What if Athos had the power to take that away from them? If the soil were incapable of supporting agriculture, wouldn't entire countries fall without it having to take a single step forward?

Athos could easily imagine what would happen. Rising food prices, commoners starving, nobles accumulating resources, crime rate rising, public order deteriorating, the despair of the starving population, chaos spreading, a revolt starting, wars for increasingly scarce resources, countries crumbling from within...

"Haha..." A laugh escaped him without him noticing. Athos touched his surprised face and realized he was smiling. It seemed the mere thought of causing so much disgrace made him smile without realizing it. He quickly hid his smile and turned to Treevor, trying to look as impassive as possible.