
The control room was much smaller than Emilia had expected. It was just a 10 square meter room, with a stone plinth in the center. There was a mana sensor just like the one on the door, but Emilia ignored it and tried to corrupt the pedestal, but it was an arduous task.

The runes on the pedestal were connected to the runes around the wall, so there was simply too much energy to corrupt. Emilia tried to move the entry point to the top of the pedestal, just as she heard Treevor explain to Athos, but it was in vain.

The pedestal was not only used to control large-scale spells, but also to deposit magic stones to feed the runes. The enchantment on the pedestal absorbed Emilia's corrupted mana and spread it across the walls evenly, rendering the process useless. It was like pouring a bucket of black paint into the ocean.