Violent conclusion

"That was close. That crazy woman almost got me, didn't anyone tell her that using alchemical items was against the rules?" Athos complained as he watched Malti from the top of a partially destroyed building, taking care to mix his presence with his surroundings and not be detected.

His body was half-destroyed, with all the bones in his lower body gone. All of his skin and muscle had been consumed to heal his cracked bones and replenish the mana lost in the fight, so he was bare bones.

"I was lucky my escape went unnoticed, or I'd be dead by now." He said half relieved half furious at having lost.

Athos had survived thanks to his quick thinking and his ability to separate his bones. The moment the sensory field detected the leather bags, Athos felt the danger against his life and released the meteor spear spell against the ground, intending to use the spell as a shield.