Dwarf skeletons

The ancient had fallen forward in the sudden wind, so he had no chance to react to Treevor's surprise attack. Its claws pierced the ancient's back and impaled his heart, bypassing his clothing's defensive enchantments and killing him instantly.

The other dwarves barely had time to process what happened before their surroundings disappeared. All dwarves had items enchanted with night vision since they lived underground, but even those were useless.

Treevor activated the field of the dead after killing the wyrm, before unleashing blades of aura on those closest.

The dwarves couldn't see anything, but tried to activate their weapons' enchantments as a desperate measure, finding it impossible to use them. In desperation, they tried to manipulate the surrounding land to defend themselves, but the aura blades were faster, inflicting deep cuts and killing the unlucky ones.