Vampires and Ghouls

"This should be the place." A man wearing a black overcoat spoke, looking at a crumbling cairn in front of him. He was covering his entire body with the overcoat, ensuring that not an inch of his skin was exposed to sunlight.

It was still winter and the nights were longer than the days, but the man didn't want to risk sunlight touching his skin.

He was a vampire, but his skin was olive and he had brown eyes, his fangs nowhere to be seen. He looked perfectly human despite his inhuman nature.

"Master, it looks like the undead destroyed everything before leaving for the Demi-human empire. They destroyed everything, even the surrounding land is completely dead." A woman wearing an overcoat similar to his came forward and reported, but she had her hood down, not bothered by the light.

The woman was a ghoul, a lesser race of vampires. She was approximately 1.62 tall, with short, shoulder-length brown hair, and blue, slightly slanted eyes.