Air battle

'We need to make the wyvern stop, or at least slow it down enough for Simogo to reach it.' Athos spoke through the mind link. since it was almost impossible to talk at the speed they were at.

'It's almost impossible to hit him with a spell at the speed we're at.' Malta replied. His lightning arrows might be able to hit, but it wouldn't even tickle a wyvern.

'Let's use Simogo's roar. It should destabilize the dragon enough for us to be able to.' Astrus spoke and prepared to avoid falling.

"ROARR!" Simogo did as ordered, using the skill roar influx. The stricken skeletons felt the darkness in their bodies weaken because of the foreign mana invading their bones, but they didn't lose consciousness this time.

The similarity between their mana was enough to allow them to retain consciousness, they just felt a sense of temporary weakness.