Determination of a leader

"But even if we identify the enemy, how do you plan to reach him amid so many skeletons?" The orc spirit questioned. "We cannot move away from our real bodies or transmit our spells beyond this forest."

"Our allies don't have these limitations, but they don't have enough power to pierce through tens of thousands of enemies and still manage to kill the unknown leader." He concluded, but the troll spirit had no response.

"What if we used teleportation crystals to bypass the army and reach the enemy leader as soon as we identified him?" A slime spirit raised a gelatinous tentacle and spoke, drawing the attention of everyone else. The spirits had their own teleportation crystals, but they never had a reason to use them, as they couldn't get away from the tree that was their original body.

"We can't use these things. We'd be severed from our original body and bleed out the energy we've accumulated over a century." The orc denied the idea, but the slime spirit shook in denial.