Ascension plans

Sometimes Canan or EIrin would slip into an unconscious state to allow the other some privacy and needed to catch up on what happened while they were sleeping.

'Not yet. I tried to contact him in every way, but Eishin refused them all. I don't know what he's planning, I just hope he doesn't try to do something himself or reveal many of the hidden cards he's been preparing for the future war. I hate to admit it, but the information we have on Nytrer is limited to what we get from the few undead we captured or the outdated knowledge of the time we lived there.' Kanan replied.

'Illum and Kalesi are definitely gathering more and more strength as we speak and we both know that we are weaker than them, the only reason we are still alive is that a battle between all of us would destroy the world that is still recovering.' Canan kept talking despondently and Eirin tried to cheer him up.