Unfortunate accident

Furthermore, his petty spirit refused to waste materials, even if it was something free like his own body parts, he hated waste.

The skeletons moved forward to grab the other potions, even the monster generals, when a sudden cry of pain froze them in place.

The ogre patriarch once again fell to the ground screaming in pain and writhing, but this time it was different. The magic organ began to fall apart, the skin melting and dripping to the floor as the flesh peeled away from the bones.

The most sensitive organs detached themselves from the body and sprawled across the floor, the eyes falling out of their sockets while the brain spilled out of the sockets like mush.

"Hmm...it looks like the effects are only temporary and last for a few minutes at most. It's a matter of lack compatibility with semi-human skeletons or maybe the potion is still incomplete and needs a few more ingredients for effects to be permanent ?" Athos muttered and scratched his chin thoughtfully.