Kian's decision

Adventurers, on the other hand, all had rings with teleportation crystals and moved all over the island. Fusing teleportation crystals into rings was better than carrying them loose and the guild shared it with all the adventurers who participated in the operation.

"The tide of battle is turning! Keep pressing them and don't let them regroup!" Elish screamed at the adventurers, at the same time expending a large amount of mana to cast a mass curse of agonizing pain and hitting several demihumans at once.

"I'm busy right now so I'll talk to you later Kian!" Elish was still holding the comm cube, but had to switch off to focus on the battle now that they were at a decisive moment.

"See you later, Elish." Kian left with a wry smile, but Elish had already hung up. Lastly, Kian called Zulu, who was leading an attack on another island.