Fake core

'I must finish creating what you asked at the same time that the construction of the tower was completed.' He informed her and headed out of the lab, intending to get back to work.

Dwarvin was the busiest one these days and didn't have time to practice with the magic organ. Just getting his prodigious beard back was enough for him.

"Wait, what's the name of that magic organ again, master? I was so busy building the fortress that I forgot to ask." Dwarvin stopped a few steps away from the stairs leading to the surface and asked.

The question, however, froze everyone in the room, who had never thought about it before.

"Now that I think about it, I never gave this gray body an official name, I just called it a magic organ and never questioned it." Athos commented while looking at his own body as if it were the first time he saw it.