Unfair hierarchy

"Anyway, how much longer do we have to endure this torture? The Sky Wing superiors don't tell us anything, but I'm sure the battle against Tivan has already begun given how nervous they seemed." One of them abruptly changed the subject, tired of hearing others just complaining.

"I think we'll join the war soon." Ash was pretending to sleep nearby, but couldn't help but join the conversation at this point. "I overheard some of the instructors discussing that they would have to accelerate the pace of our training."

"How did you hear that? All I hear from the instructors are curses and insults." One of the Black Falcons complained, clearly resentful of the Sky Wings.

"I'm at the bottom of the hierarchy, in case you've forgotten, so I have to do manual labor like working in the mess hall or cleaning the officers' quarters." Ash grumbled, irritated by the injustice, but the Beastmen were more interested in his information.