
"I woke up! I've been awake this whole time, just tripped on the floor and fell, that's all." The girl got up abruptly and spoke confusedly, before realizing that there were no sergeants in the dormitory.

"We're the only ones here, so relax and wipe the drool off your face. I won't tell anyone that you've been sleeping, but we need to go now," Laura spoke as if she was doing the girl a favor.

"Good. That way, she won't suspect anything and will cover for us to protect herself." Ash liked Laura's idea, especially because he wouldn't have to blindly trust anyone.

"Sure, thanks, Lau. I owe you one," the girl agreed, yawning, and the three left the dormitory just in time for a beastman sky wing to land in front.

"Looks like they've finished working." The golden-feathered beastman looked at Ash, Laura, and stopped at the still sleepy beastwoman.

The girl still had her clothes and feathers wrinkled from sleeping on the floor, with dust all over her body.