
"Hah...hah...wretches." Ash panted heavily, feeling the burning sensation in his shoulder and the paralyzing coldness in his abdomen.

He quickly transformed the wind wings spell into a large healing spell to conserve mana and conjured flames at the bottom of his body, melting the ice as the light dispelled the darkness.

The healing wasn't enough to fully repair his injuries, but it closed the holes in his leg and abdomen, stopping the bleeding in his head.

"My right arm is still useless, and I'll need calm time to treat the delicate nerves, two things I don't have right now." He thought hastily, searching for a way out of this situation, but nothing came to mind.

More than a third of the beastmen had already fallen, and the rest were quickly being killed. The captain, supposed to be the second strongest force, was fighting at a great distance but was in an even worse state than Ash.