Internal conflicts

"Not the entire army, just a small group. I picked up their trail about a week ago, but they haven't made any extensive moves. They just entered a few villages or towns and then fled," the eldritch explained the strange actions of the invading angels.

"I counted 15 angels, but there must be more somewhere. There is a limit to how much information I can gather without being detected. The mental structure of angels is different compared to humans, and even I have difficulty infiltrating without being discovered," Kulul grumbled.

"So they're spies, huh? I figured they would do something like this, but the numbers and timing don't make sense. It's been months since we started invading the human realms, and with the angels' speed, they should have arrived right after the first wave," Atlas was as perplexed as he was irritated by the presence of invaders on the giant continent.