Battle in the outer wall 2

"I just need 15 seconds to recover. Buy me that time!" Athos conjured flames to melt the ice around his body and consumed the magic organ to repair his brittle bones.

The spirit didn't understand his words but still followed the orders faithfully. Advancing with an impulse that should have been impossible for its body, the slime threw itself against the incoming psychic attacks, using its own energy body to parry telekinetic bullets and blasts of ice.

It covered itself with a layer of compressed earth mixed with corrupted mana, transforming into a cannonball. Like a pinball, the slime collided with the attacks and used the impact to propel itself toward the next one.

"Don't give him time to recover! We won't stand a chance if—goh!?" One of the subordinates tried to take command but was struck in the nape by a blade that exited through his forehead.