Chapter 38

-Nathan's POV-

The atmosphere was still and eerie. There was no movement happening within the council building. A terrifyingly dark aura seemed to have taken over the building where it seemed like it would suck the soul out of anyone alive. Normally, no one would even second guess that the deceptively modern high-rise building would hold any creature that lived hundreds of years. Yet, the aura, the general bad feeling that loomed over the tower was anything but natural. The warm-coloured lobby was just mocking us.

Kalen muttered a 'Dispel' spell. A usual warm, pale blue circle never appeared. Just a faint trace of it slowly crept out and fizzled away. Kalen clicked her tongue, annoyed.

"I will need some time to dispel this nuisance." Kalen declared, rummaging through her purse. "Don't just stand there! Go hunt them down."

"I'll stay back to assist," Philip said, motioning for us to take the stairs. Druid, Alex, Ray, Olivia, Hastie and I, raced up the stairs. As we got up the stairs, the stench of Demonic wolves invaded my nostril. Hastie sneezed hard at the offensive smell. The building had a total of twenty floors, the Council Room being on the highest floor. Based on Philip's lookup, you can only enter the last 3 floors by the stairs and that's where our enemy is waiting.

Floor 15…16…17. The moment we stepped on the 18th platform, an energy bolt came flying in our direction. Ray cut in front of us and threw up an impressive gold barrier, causing the energy bolt to bounce off helplessly. Druid threw a few tiny black seeds into the direction of the energy bolt. Two hooded figures quickly backed away but there was no escaping. With the snap of his fingers, Druid grew the seeds into thorny bushes, pinning the two figures against the wall. One of them screamed in surprise, a lady's scream.

"Go! We'll take care of this." Hastie commanded before turning her attention to the two hooded figures.

"We will?" Druid asked in doubt, Hastie shot him a glare, quickly shutting him up. Giving her a nod and wishing her the best, the rest of us turned and ran up the stairs.

Ray stopped on the 19th floor. His eyes held a cold gaze into the carpeted corridor leading up to a simple pair of wooden doors. It was obvious who was in there. The three of us had faced him once and it wasn't enough to take him down. I had wanted to take him on together, but Ray stopped me.

"Sorry Nathan, but I want my revenge. He's mine." Ray said coldly. Alex nodded understandingly and tugged at my sleeves. I watched as Ray confidently entered the wooden doors. Where Elder John Tucker was.

"Don't worry," Alex assured, petting my head. "Ray will be able to kick his ass."

"Right," I said, shaking off the worries in my heart. If Elder John is here, it means that the one behind all this is here as well.

We slowly walked up the stairs. I quickly deployed the defense barrier as we made our way up. Dreadful aura soaked us to the bone. It was worst than anything I have felt. Even Elder John, noticeably the stronger Demonic wolf amongst all that I know of, could not compete.

Beside me, Alex let out a deep, hateful growl. It was nothing that I have heard before. It wasn't his normal voice. It sounded…feral I instinctively reached out for Alex's hand. A sharp prick, I was winced in pain and pulled back my hand. A single stream of blood traveled down my finger.

"I'm sorry, darling." He apologized with an unfamiliar deep baritone voice that made me look at him in bewilderment. I gasped. Instead of the deep dark blue, his eyes were a shade of icy, feral blue. But the way it changed.

"You're not Alex, right? Are you, his wolf?" I guessed. His eyes lit up and let out a wolfish grin.

"Oh? Darling, you are smarter than I gave you credit for." He mused, seemingly satisfied that I was able to differentiate between him and Alex. "Well, I convinced Alex that it would be better for me to take the stage. After all, I'm stronger than you think, my little darling."

I couldn't help the blush that made its way onto my face. Being called darling over and over again was pretty embarrassing but I liked it. He pats my head and grabbed my hand, tugging me up the stairs. I couldn't help but notice that he seems bulkier in this form, his claws are out, even his fangs were slightly visible, giving him a rugged and tough look. A slight breeze blew past my ear

We headed up into the Council Room. The door was left ajar, fresh blood flowing out of the gap from beneath the door. The metallic smell of iron filled our nostrils, accompanied by the toxic stench of evil. And the root of it seemed to come from the middle of the room. Alex's wolf halted. He snarled as if he recognized that scent. He stormed past the puddle of blood, making a huge splash, and slammed the door open.

"What are you doing here, Vidar!" Alex's wolf roared out, malice and anger dripping out from his voice. The lanky figure slowly turned around with a rather pleasant smile on his face.

"Ah. So there you are." He replied. Vidar's white lab coat was now splattered with blood. Facing even a normal Elder is tough, but to face seven of them and not receive a single scratch? With every fiber in my body, I can tell that Vidar isn't normal at all. But then, who is he? And how does Alex's Wolf know his name?

"I see, you got yourself a mate. That must be nice for a monster wolf like you, right? Fenrir." Vidar commented. Fenrir. Is that the name of Alex's wolf? But that is the name of the wolf from mythology.

Fenrir's expression paled. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. A similar fear touched my soul, fear of rejection. I had seen many horrors in the past committed by people in the past. Despite what I know from those 'Mythology 101' articles, Alex is nothing like the monster they made out to be, and Fenrir has never lashed out in the past. Even though it seemed like he had made a rampage during the 4 years I was gone, his pack still follows him. Seeing as Philip is a Librarian of the world, chances are he knew about it too. I know Vidar's intention, I had been on the receiving end multiple times. So, there was only one thing left for me to do.

I gently grabbed his face and pulled it down to my level. I was surprised that Fenrir complied willingly and got down on one knee. This time, without hesitation, I leaned in to kiss him on his lips. Fenrir's eyes widened in initial shock, but he quickly recovered from it kissed me back hungrily, the simple joy that erupted from my acceptance flowed through our link and I gave him a soft smile.

"I hate to break up your make-out session, but I'm still here." A beam fired from Vidar's fingertip. I quickly threw up my hand and countered it with a wind blast. The wind blast dispersed the beam effectively, rendering it useless.

"Divinity?! Who are you?" Vidar snarled out, His face contorted in anger. And here I thought, he doesn't smile or frown with that expressionless face.

"I'm his mate, you bastard."